Nothing gives us greater satisfaction than passing on our knowledge about Alpacas, their proper care and handling, and the varied uses to which their fibre can be put.
In our years of experience with these animals, combined with our extensive travels to their native country of Peru, we have learned many excellent techniques for getting the very best from Alpacas and their fibre.
So why not further your knowledge with a special workshop? Come and join us in a peaceful rural setting, surrounded by grazing Alpacas in beautiful Norfolk countryside! |
Previous special workshops
As an example of the typical workshops we organise for Alpaca owners, whether beginner or advanced, here is a selection of previous events held on our farm:
Disease in Camelids
- an easy introduction to a complex topic
In April 2011 we held a one-day workshop led by renowed camelid vet Karin Mueller combing both theory and practical sessions. Karin's style involed no jargon – just plain English and common sense. Well attended and enjoyed by all participants.
During 2009 we held a series of workshops for beginners as well as those who had used a machine before and wanted to improve. Led by Fiona Henderson, who had worked for over twenty five years as a designer for the hand and machine knitting industry, we concentrated on the use of alpaca yarn in machine knitting. The yarn was supplied by AzSu, made from the fleece of our own Alpacas.
In 2008 Ruth Elvestad from the Natural Fibre Centre and Testing Laboratory at Olds College, Canada presented an advanced course on Alpaca fibre sorting. Participants were required to have at least 2 years of experience working with camelid fibres, as well as a working knowledge of spinning, weaving, knitting and shearing of natural fibres.
Regular workshops
Contact us to find out how our Alpaca workshops can really help you to get the most out of your animals. |