Here you can download articles on Alpacas and related subjects. Some of these have been written by AzSu, and others submitted to us for inclusion.
Click the title of the article to download it. We hope you find them useful and interesting.

Once seen never forgotten! This is the phrase which captures the impression these beautiful animals had on me... |
Watching a true artist perform is a wonder to behold. That was exactly the feeling I had when I recently watched Marty McGee Bennett in action with llamas and alpacas in Santa Fe, New Mexico... |
If the answer is ‘yes', then surely it makes sense to work to an International Standard which is recognised globally, doesn't it..? |
Early one morning I was called urgently to our barn to look at one of my little white crias, who was thought to have broken its leg... |
My little ‘princess’ as she is called on the farm, was born during some wonderfully sunny days in June 2003. A healthy normal pregnancy and birth, but four days into her little life things appeared to go wrong... |
After the birth of my first four crias the realisation suddenly hit home that the land we owned could only sustain one more birthing year. It also dawned on me that I had landed myself in a situation which was going to be very difficult to assimilate... |
Written by Catherine Watson - age 8 - following a stay with her family in our holiday cottages in July 2003... |