AzSu Alpacas
Pure Alpacas


Alpaca Support Services

  Alpaca support  

Our expertise and long experience is matched only by our superb 55 acres of facilities, entirely dedicated to Alpacas.

This enables AzSu to offer a comprehensive range of support services to Alpaca owners.




AzSu offers a caring and well-organised agistment service. We guarantee clean accommodation, good nutrition, regular health and maintenance checks, including routine injections, toenail trimming and shearing.

New Alpacas purchased from AzSu will automatically be eligible for free boarding on our farm for up to 60 days, as we recognize that you may need time to prepare your land for the new arrivals.



We shear our own herd and we can shear your's too at a time and place convenient to you. Either bring your animals to our farm or we can go to your's. Either way, you can be assured of a professional job leaving your alpacas looking as good after as they were before.

See us in action on ITV Countrywise.


Our shearing team



Veterinary support

We undertake simple veterinary tasks such as toenail trimming and subcutaneous/intramuscular injections, and we can train you to do the same.

All other veterinary care is available from Norfolk's specialist camelid vets, managed by Graham Duncanson, and members of the British Camelids Veterinary Association.


Alpaca handling

At AzSu we use a modified version of the TTEAM™ method (Tellington Touch Every Animal Method) of holistic training which has been adapted for alpacas and llamas from the technique developed for horses as far back as 1965.


Alpaca handling


This training technique is gentle and non-confrontational, and you will be amazed at the speed of the animals' response. We can train you in the same method, giving you confidence in the handling of your own animals. Ask us about our one-on-one personal training program.

Alpaca herd Sires now available
Alpaca herd Sires now available
The British Alpaca Society  
  Learn more about Azsu Alpacas Alpaca sales